Paragraph on A Funny Incident ( Class seven)

Once a drawing competition was held in my school. We were asked to draw anything using imagination. Asim, my classmate, didn't draw anything. His drawing page was empty. Our drawing teacher asked him, "What is this?". Asim answered, " A cow is eating grass". The teacher said, " Where is the cow and grass?". Asim replied, " The cow ate the grass and returned to its shed".

 One day my brother broke a vase. When he heard father's footsteps, he quickly held the broken vase behind him. He was clever. He asked father, " Why does one die?". Father said, "Everything has a beginning and an end. Everything has just so long to live and then has to die." My brother held out the pieces of the broken vase and said, " The time for this vase to die had come.
